Ford Mustang Crashes Into Light Pole After Doing Donuts In Parking Lot

Brandon Calderon and his girlfriend were minding their own business in a rooftop parking lot taking photos and videos of a Ford Mustang when another pony car showed up. The driver climbed on top of the building for another reason – to hoon his GT by doing a series of donuts in the empty parking lot. According to Redditors, it took place in The Woodlands in the metropolitan area of Houston, Texas.

The tire-shredding fun didn’t last long as things went south when the Mustang owner lost control of his rear-wheel-drive machine and slammed into the light pole. Brandon still had the camera rolling and was able to capture the unfortunate incident on video. You can also see the reaction of his girlfriend after witnessing the GT’s impromptu crash test.

You’d think having a plethora of empty space to spin around would reduce the risks of a crash, but the Mustang driver probably didn’t take into account those pesky light poles. There was someone else inside the car as the passenger door opens shortly after the impact, and it’s highly unlikely the two suffered any injuries. We can’t say the same thing about the car, which is now in need of some serious TLC.

We’re hoping the driver has learned his lesson and won’t use a public parking lot as his personal playground in the future. A properly organized drift event is a suitable venue for killing the tires of your Mustang without ending up with a repair bill that includes more than just the burnt rubber.

Here’s what Brandon had to say after the Mustang GT lost the battle with the concrete lamp post:

“This is why Mustangs get a bad rep… I went out to one of my fav parking garages for rollers & pictures last night w/ my girl when all of the sudden a dude with a 5.0 shows up & starts doing donuts. I kept the camera going & then this happened… Please have some respect for our surroundings.”

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